Misc. Acorn Stork Laptop Pictures

Notes taken from auction listing text

This is a rare prototype of the Acorn Stork laptop which never went into production,
so only a few were ever made. Rescued from the closing down of the Pace offices in
Cambridge, the Stork comes complete with the following accessories:

Second Ni-MH battery stick
External floppy drive (and spare floppy cable)
Power supply with UK plug

The Stork has the following specifications:

32MHz ARM7500 processor
8MB RAM (expandable to 256MB)
Internal 425MB hard drive

Prototype Acorn Stork Laptop.jpg - 20Kb
An Acorn 'Prototype' Stork Laptop

Stork_01.jpg - 20Kb
A front view of the Acorn Stork laptop

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A view of the rear ports.

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A view of the left hand side.

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A view of the right hand side.

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A view of the underside of the case.

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A view of the case closed.

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A view of the external floppy disc drive.

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A view showing the battery pack removed.

Stork_09.jpg - 20Kb
A view of the underside showing access ports removed.

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